Blog Dallington School

La música, un lenguaje más

En Dallington School consideramos fundamental enseñar música como un lenguaje más. Por ello, hemos comenzado a desarrollar un programa basado en el Método Suzuki. Una

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Global Awareness Project

En Dallington School, a través de nuestro (Global Awareness Project- GAP), queremos que nuestros alumnos sean conscientes de los problemas globales que existen en la

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Physical Education days

From Monday the 19th of September all students will come to school in their formal school uniform, except for the days in which they have PE (physical education).

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Primary Welcome Meeting

On Tuesday September the 6th, we will celebrate the Primary Welcome Meeting (Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3)  in the Dallington School Primary Site (Calle Frascuelo

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