At Dallington School, our topic based learning, based on the British National Curriculum, provides opportunities for children to experience learning in a meaningful and purposeful way. It is a means by which children can develop the skills and capabilities to be effective learners. Opportunities should be given to children to build on previous experiences and make connections in their learning in an enjoyable way.
(Topic based learning, «Dinosaurs», Reception)
Arts is a very important area of the curriculum, implemented throughout the topics. Arts allow our pupils to express themselves. Our purpose is to engage, inspire and challenge the children, developing their confidence to experiment, invent and create their own master pieces, crafts and designs . The children have had the opportunity to work with a variety of different media in topics such as «Stone Age», «Dinosaurs» or «Julia Donaldson».

They have created beautiful pieces of Art; collages using torn, cut and collected papers adding inks, paints and fabrics. In part of our global awareness project, the children have created their own futuristic transports made of recycled materials. They have explored through arts with different purposes; including perception, communication, invention and action.
(Year 1 – «Transports» Topic- children creating their transports with recycled material)
(«Book week 2017, Julia Donaldson» Art on wood, Primary)