British School in Madrid


British School in Madrid

Colegio Británico Madrid

British School

Strengths, needs, abilities and interests of each student.

Colegio Británico Madrid competencias


Creativity, critical awareness, communication, collaborative spirit, responsibility.

Colegio Británico Madrid valores


Respect, kindness, joy, self-confidence, solidarity.

Colegio Británico Madrid alumnos sanos

Healthy children

Emotional well-being, organic food, exercise and sports.

Directors' Letter

British School Madrid Dallington School

A few days ago, a student asked us why we decided to open Dallington School. It was clear to us; we wanted to create a school in which each child felt happy; a safe place full of love and respect, where we help them to get the best of themselves.

Dallington School is precisely that. It is a place where you breathe love, trust and respect. We strive every day to provide an education that suits our students. There are many things that we had and we continue to be clear about, which guide us in our daily work at the head of the school.
Colegio Británico Madrid firma Paola Dallington School

Paola Recio

Director and founder

Colegio Británico Madrid firma María Dallington School

María Recio​

Director and founder

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Promoting strong values

At Dallington School we are committed to providing an education rooted in strong, meaningful values that guide our students’ academic and personal growth. Our six core

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British School Madrid Dallington School
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