Spotlight on Oracy 

Following the success of the Live Interactive Museums in term 1, we are continuing to shine a spotlight on oracy.  

At Dallington School, we understand the importance of being able to express yourself fluently, clearly, and grammatically correctly in spoken language, and during this term, oracy has become a focus for all our students across all areas of the curriculum. Our students are learning to articulate themselves fluently, using both formal and informal language, in a range of situations.  

Opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills are woven into the curriculum and teachers are using practical strategies to support language acquisition including: the use of visuals, modelling, partner and group talk and oral rehearsal.  

Using the Tower Hamlets Progression in Language Structures model, our students are eager and motivated to develop their language skills. 

In Term 2a, students across the Primary school will have the opportunity to showcase their progress and demonstrate their newly acquired language skills. Each class will hold an oracy event, for example, a debate held in a mock parliament where students will use the language of argument and opinion to debate the motions put forward by the speakers. Other students will participate in discussions and explanations, expressively sharing facts and opinions about their learning.  Whilst others will compare, contrast, and describe. It is wonderful to see the oracy focus permeating through all areas of the curriculum.  

The oracy theme will continue in Term 2b with The Dallington Primary Choral Speaking Festival and The Secondary Poetry Slam Competition.  

Over the half term break, the Primary students will bring home their poems to share and practice with their families. The events, which will coincide with World Poetry day, will allow the students to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of using precise language, how to articulate themselves for different purposes and above all, to have a lot of fun playing with language!  

Here is a link to Michael Rosen´s Top Tips for Performing Poems and Storiesç

We look forward to sharing these events with you soon.  

Miss Joanne Marston

Y5 Teacher

Development Team

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