Change in education is indispensable

Dallington School

Change in education is indispensable

If we had to choose a word that defined the last SIMO Fair in Education and Technology, this would be CHANGE, optimistic and exciting, complex but feasible, a change that is vital to créate a healthy educational system.

We were able to share ideas with top experts: the Rector of Education at the University of Hensinki, teachers recognised for their outstanding practice…. We´ve come back feeling reassured , because in Dallington School we are inmersed in that needed change, not only in technology applied to education, but in our teaching practices and educational management.


It is a misunderstanding to interpret the change demanded by experts as referring mainly to the implementation of new technologies in classrooms.This change has to be systemic, which means:

  • a new way of looking at children’s education. We educate persons, not heads that have to be stuffed with content. In school we have to accompany our children in preparing their future lives, developing all their competencies and achieving their full potential;
  • families must actively collaborate in the development process of the 21st Century competencies;
  • really innovative technology means making the technology transparent; technology is no longer another subject but a fundamental tool to motivate and improve.
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