Since my time at Dallington School, I have always viewed the lessons of Communication and Thinking Skills and Global Awareness as a vital component in helping pupils meet the school vision. The classes provoke thoughts and encourages children to consider a world of possibilities.
This term continues with the same aspirations. We aim to transform are young learners into entrepreneurs. Each key stage will be set a challenge that zones in and promotes a quality that an entrepreneur requires in order to reach their goals.
Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) children do not only have to ‘think outside the box’, they have to ‘think about the box’. In groups pupils will have to heighten their creativity skills in order to transform an ordinary shoe box into something extraordinary. In doing so, we are asking children to be innovative, imaginative and resourceful.
Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and Year 4) pupils must amplify their ability to innovate. They must conduct research on existing and traditional board games and then consider how to enhance these games, so they are ready for the 21st century market. While designing their new game, pupils must consider the cost in acquiring the materials needed for manufacturing.
Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and Year 6) students will have to take a moment to reflect on their interests and passions. In groups, our young entrepreneurs will have to follow their hearts and minds while trying to form their business. Pupils will be supported through the mentorship and guidance of volunteer parents who are or have been entrepreneurs.
The project will be given greater depth, when skills from other subjects will have to be used, such as mathematics (buying raw materials), English (persuasive language, presentations and explanations) and art and design (production and assembling). Near the end of term 2, we aim to showcase what the young entrepreneurs have learned, organised and produced during the course of the unit.
We thank you in advance for your support!
Best wishes,
Mr. Peter Hay
Educational Leader & Head of British Studies