During the last few months we have been collaborating with a scientific research that Eva García, one of our pupils’ mother is carrying out. The investigation studies the level of global awareness in different education systems, and Dallington School as an example of good practice in the British Education System.
Global awareness is the understanding on how environmental, social, cultural, economic and political factors impact the world. It incorporates the skills a person needs in order to face the challenges of a globalised world. Here at Dallington School we are very committed to teaching our students these skills. We want our students to be able to understand and address global issues and to know that other people’s values and perceptions might differ from theirs.
One of our aims is our children to be able to communicate in a respectful and effective way, in different languages and situations, and to feel the need to make the world a better place.
From 2018 on, The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has included global competence as one of the skills tested in education systems worldwide.
We feel proud to have the opportunity to collaborate with this project that aims to find out the best ways for students to become globally competent, responsible and committed citizens.