In today’s modern world, computers and the internet are essential parts of everyday life. We use them to communicate with our friends and colleagues, for entertainment and work, and to find out the latest news. We apply for jobs, do our shopping and share our interests on social media. We even have Satellite Navigation in our cars to tell us where to go, and smartphones in our pockets, where a world of information is only ever a touch of a screen away. Think about how you use the internet in your personal life or at work, and how many different ways you can access it. The possibilities are endless.
At Dallington, we use a range of activities and devices to explore children’s creativity and to develop the essential skills they need to thrive in the digital age. We work on problem solving by developing our coding skills; we learn how to use the internet effectively to search for information and we begin to use our creative skills to produce stories, pictures, music and videos.
The internet is a wonderful place where we can learn and communicate, but how can we ensure that young people are using it safely? We all have a role to play, as teachers and parents, as responsible people, in the way that we ourselves use the internet. To help us be mindful of this, we will be learning about the ‘Four Rs’ on Safer Internet Day 2019.
- Respect – I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated.
- Responsibility – I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong.
- Reasoning – I question what is real.
- Resilience – I get back up from tough situations.
Safer Internet Day takes place today, on Tuesday 5th February, and will promote the ways in which we can all help to make the internet a safer, more vibrant place. This year’s theme is “Together for a Better Internet” and focuses on how we can work with each other to achieve a safer internet for the future. For more information, please visit their website or ask us in school, and you can show your support by using #SID2019 or #SaferInternetDay on social media.