Conscious of the environmental impacts by human beings and the big responsibility we have with future generations, Dallington School has created an institutional Environmental Sustainability Project.

The project, started in February 2022, its aiming to create a school garden, as well as a culture of awareness both in students and staff which encourages sustainable behaviour.

The school garden has been developed through many phases, from preparing the soil, planting seeds, labelling sectors of the garden to transplanting the seedlings to new pots and into soil. To ensure all pupils have the opportunity to go through each of them. Pupils have been motivated to maintain the integrity of their plants, even using their play time to get into the garden.

In order to keep improving our environmental behaviours, the Recycling Project has commenced with the Student Council who have put forward their own concerns about waste management in the school. Once the diagnosis was made, adapting a waste management plan was the second step, as well as continuing with student training from Years 1 to 4. Also, volunteers from the Year 7 and 8 student councillors have developed and presented a training to the cleaning and maintenance staff regarding waste management.

Finally and proudly, the school is now part of “Naturaliza” a project created by Ecoembes to help schools improve their environmental and sustainability learning in every stage. We are very proud of the growth and development, which our pupils and school is experiencing, we look forward to sharing more progress soon.
Miss Andrea Noreña
Environmental Educator and Sustainability Project Leader